How do I eliminate linen odor or smelly sheets?
Eliminate linen odor and smelly sheets with Innofresh. Innofresh’s Activated Charcoal Odor Eliminators are 100% fragrance free and allergen free. Our single molded filters are dust free and there are no small particles to mess with. All of our odor absorbers have a patented fragrance free, ventilated carbon filter system that provide the easy, safer and effective way to eliminate linen odor and smelly sheets and keep your bedroom fresh for months.
If you have a bunch of men and boys in the house, washing can become a chore. There are so many towels and sets of sheets. But you have mastered folding the fitted bottoms. That is a real challenge.
You care about your ‘boys’ – the big one as well as all the smaller ones. You feel you buy the best laundry detergent. Maybe you use scents fabric softener and then a scented dryer sheet. You use everything in your arsenal to get rid of the locker room stink and keep the family linens fresh. Somehow you are losing the battle. When one of the macho men use a new towel he complains that it smells girly. What are you to do?
If you keep your towels in a linen closet you can place a Fridge IT wafer at the back of each shelf. This will keep your towels as fresh as they were when you took them out of the dryer. There is no need for scented fabric sheets. If you prefer to use softener in your final rinse, you do not have to opt for the fruity or flowery scents.
Many people have a special chest of drawers where they keep their bed linens. Whether you store them in drawers or a foot locker in your bedroom, place a few Fridge IT wafers between sets and they will remain fresh without any musky storage odors.
Our customers often ask – “But, I thought that Fridge IT was for refrigerator, freezers and trash odors?” That is certainly some of the uses for Fridge IT However, the special ventilated activated charcoal filter that we use for Fridge IT amazing in effectively absorbing and neutralizing a broad range of odors and has the absorption capacity to handle even the toughest of odors including dead mouse odor. FRIDGE IT contains a powerful micro carbon filter that absorbs and neutralizes odors as they pass though millions of micro-pockets and pores in the activated charcoal. The amazing property of activated charcoal is the enormous microscopic surface area that odors (gases) actually “adsorb” to, adhering to the surface of the activated charcoal.
You will be so happy you discovered these magic little activated charcoal filters. Not only will your family thank you for the crisp freshness of their sheets and towels, but you will never have to worry about overnight guests getting stuck with musty smelling bedding.